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Warrant Officer Class One (WO1) Mohammad Dino Erwandy  bin Abdul Rahim currently holds as the Regiment Sergeant Major of Training Institute Royal Brunei Armed Forces (TI RBAF). His most recent assignment was serving as Drill Sergeant Major of First Battalion RBLF. He was born on 10th September 1979 and joined the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) on August 16,1998.


After completing his Basic Military Training, he was posted to the First Battalion Royal Brunei Land Force (RBLF) on March 5, 1999. WO1 Mohammad Dino Erwandy bin Abdul Rahim Junior and Senior Non-Commissioned Officer roles were spread between Mortar Platoon and Armoured Personnel Carrier Platoon of First Battalion RBLF.


During his service in the organisation, he has served in various vital appointments such as Drill Sergeant Major First Battalion in 2021, Company Sergeant Major of Command Company First Battalion RBLF in 2020, Company Sergeant Major of C Company First Battalion RBLF in 2019 as well as Company Sergeant Major of RBAF Contingent (Malbatt 850-5) in 2018. 


WO1 Mohammad Dino Erwandy bin Abdul Rahim awards and distinctions include the Pahlawan Periwara Medal in 2021, the General Service Medal in 1999, the Long Service and Good Conduct RBAF in 2020, the Armed Forces Golden Jubilee RBAF in 2011 and the United Nations Peacekeeping Service Medal in 2018.


WO1 Mohammad Dino Erwandy bin Abdul Rahim's professional military education includes overseas courses such as Regimental Sergeant Major Course at Singapore Armed Forces Warrant Officer Leadership School. Several of his best achievements from the local courses and competitions he attended are such as overall best Mortar Fire Controller and Command Post Operator Course in 2007, overall best Advance Mortar Course in 2004, overall best Intermediate Mortar Course in 2002 and overall best Mortar Cadre Course in 2000 as well as Best Company Sergeant Major Pace Stick Competition in 2020.


​WO1 Mohammad Dino Erwandy bin Abdul Rahim is happily married to his wife, Siti Maymun binti Haji Khamis, and blessed with one daughter. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling and playing guitar.​